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Il mondo senza di noi

Categorie: Letteratura
Commenti: Nessun Commento
Pubblicato il: 23 Agosto 2008

Vedo che non sono l’unico ad avere di queste curiosità.

È uscito in paperback il libro “The World without us” del divulgatore scientifico Alan Weisman. Le sue profezie sono decisamente pessimistiche:

With no one left to run the pumps, New York’s subway tunnels would fill with water in two days. Within 20 years, Lexington Avenue would be a river. Fire- and wind-ravaged skyscrapers would eventually fall like giant trees. Within weeks of our disappearance, the world’s 441 nuclear plants would melt down into radioactive blobs, while our petrochemical plants, ‘ticking time bombs’ even on a normal day, would become flaming geysers spewing toxins for decades to come… After about 100,000 years, carbon dioxide would return to prehuman levels. Domesticated species from cattle to carrots would revert back to their wild ancestors. And on every dehabitated continent, forests and grasslands would reclaim our farms and parking lots as animals began a slow parade back to Eden.

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