Enchanted Preludes

Categorie: Strumentale
Commenti: 2 Commenti
Pubblicato il: 14 Dicembre 2008

Elliot Carter, Enchanted Preludes (1988)

Enchanted Preludes is a birthday present for Ann Santen, commissioned by her husband, Harry, and composed in gratitude for their enthusiastic and deeply caring support of American music. It is a duet for flute and cello in which the two instruments combine their different characters and musical materials into statements of varying moods. The title comes from a poem of Wallace Stevens: The Pure Good of Theory, “All the Preludes to Felicity,” stanza no.7:

Felicity, ah! Time is the hooded enemy,
The inimical music, the enchanted space
In which the enchanted preludes have their place.

The score was given its first performance by Patricia Spencer, flute, and André Emelianoff, cello, of the Da Capo Chamber Players in New York, on May 16, 1988.
[Elliott Carter]

2 Commenti
  1. ermes ha detto:

    Buon compleanno Maestro!!!

    Altri cento anni, oltre a quelli che hai compiuto il giorno 11/12/08!!

  2. max ha detto:

    …non lo sapevo! Auguri anche da parte mia!!!


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