
Categorie: Confine, Jazz
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Pubblicato il: 27 Settembre 2009

coverUn po’ di sana aggressione sonora in stile post free jazz europeo non fa mai male. Dalla netlabel Insubordinations, l’ultimo lavoro del gruppo svizzero Diatribes, un duo formato da cyril bondi (drums, percussions) e d’incise (laptop, obects, treatments), attorno ai quali gravitano molti musicisti ospiti.

Diatribes,a strongly libertarian ensemble, began its existence in a Geneva basement in Winter 2004. Their idea was to mix distinct various types and approach of the sounds, in order to develop a malleable musical mass. The instruments merge into the electronics treatments in a primary dance, where construction and deconstruction coexist, and envy and disgust unite. There are no limits in the way of playing, where rhythms, melodies and noise meet sporadically, merging into each other until they are almost forgotten. Free jazz in its approach, acoustic and electronic in its execution, the trio is capable of exploring the minute like the intense.
Initialy a trio with Gaël Riondel on saxophone, diatribes became a polymorphous formation, extending its spectrum with guest musicians such as the guitarist Christian Graf, the electroacoustician Nicolas Sordet, the pianists Jacques Demierre and Johann Bourquenez, the bassist Dragos Tara or the saxophonist Piero SK..

L’intero album è scaricabile qui.

  • Diatribes – Tornade
    cyril bondi: drums, percussions – d’incise: laptop, objects – jacques demierre: grand piano – johann bourquenez: grand piano

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