Backyard Mysteries

Categorie: Confine
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Pubblicato il: 27 Maggio 2010

cover«Brian Ruskin is a Ph.D in Geology (Stratigraphy branch) and at the same time a musician and producer from Pittsburgh, USA. Science and Art very close together. The music he makes as Mental Health Consumer falls right in the middle of the Electronic genre, slightly danceable and upbeat variant, without loosing too much focus but admittedly keen on experimental ambient explorations. With his music, Brian tries to achieve that special balance between the calculated and the emotive side of the mind.

Such is ‘Backyard Mysteries’, an extremely interesting and uncompromising collection of tracks with a full range of soft pads, techno inspired beats and soothing soundscapes, but also retaining a very curious experimental ambient side, which will keep you interested all through the end.» – Pedro Leitão

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