In C

Categorie: Strumentale
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Commenti: 4 Commenti
Pubblicato il: 6 Giugno 2010

In C continues to receive numerous performances every year, by professionals, students, and amateurs. It has had repeated recordings since its 1968 LP premiere, and most are still in print. It welcomes performers from a vast range of practices and traditions, from classical to rock to jazz to non-Western. Recordings range from the Chinese Film Orchestra of Shanghai—on traditional Chinese instruments—to the Hungarian “European Music Project” group, joined by two electronica DJs manipulating The Pulse. It rouses audiences to states of ecstasy and near hysteria, all the while projecting an inner serenity that suggests Cage’s definition of music’s purpose—”to sober and quiet the mind, thus making it susceptible to divine influences.” In short, it’s not going away.
[Robert Carl]

An interesting analysis/commentary about Terry Riley’s seminal composition by Robert Carl.

Here is the execution by the Shanghai Film Orchestra

A funky peformance by Band On A Can group from NYC

In C Excerpt 2006-03-20 Los Angeles David Rosenboom conducting members of CalArts: a total of 124 musicians

A terrific (IMHO) rock orchestration

The original recording dated 1964

4 Commenti
  1. Andrea Arcella ha detto:

    Accidenti! L’abbiamo eseguito proprio ieri sera con il nostro collettivo (Neaphonia).
    Trovi la notizia qui
    presto metterò online il video!
    …e aggiungeremo un altro shot alla compilation.

  2. moreno ha detto:

    eseguita il 17 settembre 2010 al Teatro Dal Verme di Milano, in diretta RadioTre Suite, dalla Topolovska Minimalna Orkestra; 60 esecutori coordinati da Antonio Della Marina e Massimo Falascone

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