Call 911 via Twitter

Categorie: Usa, Varie, Web
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Pubblicato il: 10 Agosto 2010

We have what could be the first call for immediate help via Twitter.

A mountain biker who was too far from any real humans to scream for help, and too far from a cell phone tower to call 911 found that she did have enough of a cell signal to tweet her emergency.

“I’ve had a serious injury and NEED Help!” she typed. “Can someone please call Winding Trails in Farmington, CT tell them I’m stuck bike crash in woods.”

Within minutes of sending her tweet, she heard an ambulance siren. Here is the whole new.

What’s about this story? If you are at the edge of a (wireless) network, you’ll have fringe coverage enough to get a text message through.

Secondo voi, può accadere in Italia?

In altre parole, se vedete su Twitter un messaggio tipo quello di cui sopra, chiamate un’ambulanza o lo ignorate?

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