Una citazione di dovere al sito di Odd Music che ormai da anni raccoglie e archivia documentazione sugli strumenti musicali auto-progettati e auto-costruiti, dall’innovativo al demenziale.
A testimonianza del lavoro di oddmusic, ecco alcuni estratti che vanno dal Bantazar (un contrabbasso a 5 corde con 29 corde di risonanza e 4 di bordone) fino alla Celestial Harp (in figura) costruita intorno ai concetti del cerchio, del quadrato e della spirale, con ovvie connotazioni astrologiche, di cui vi presentiamo 3 esempi (ex1, ex2, ex3).
Oddmusic is home to unique, odd, ethnic, experimental and unusual musical instruments and resources. Tour the Gallery, see in-depth sections featuring artisans who blazed new trails or are on the cutting edge of new and previously unheard musical instruments. Look, listen, and explore music and musical instruments that aren’t part of the mainstream. Showcasing unusual musical creations and sounds of unique artists and artisans from around the globe. From gourd music to electronic odysseys, harp guitars to industrial insects, from beautiful, to bizarre, to just plain wacky. New, unique innovations, along with heavily modified hybrids of instruments once formally known as guitars, basses, keyboards, drums, wind and stringed instruments. Musical stalagmites, bowed telegraph wires, twisted electrons, Circuit Bending, Waterphones, Hang drums, ethnic instruments, Stamenphones, Theremins, Serpents, Light Harps, and much more. Give your eyes and ears a treat. Feed your imagination at Oddmusic.