
ANABlog is publishing some historic pieces of japanese electronic music

MAKI ISHII was born in 1936 into an artistic family. In 1958 he settled in Germany, studying at the National Musical Academy in Berlin. He has written orchestral music (“Transition”), chamber works (“Aphorisms”), and electro-acoustic music.

KYOO was composed in 1968 and won an award at the National Arts Festival. The title, which means “echoes,” refers to the formal concept of the work: one sound giving rise to a family of sounds which in their turn engender other families, etc. There are various sound sources: piano, brass, percussion, and electronic devices. The instrumental sounds are heard sometimes in their original form and sometimes transformed electronically. The piano in particular is treated in a variety of ways: played normally, played according to the techniques of the “prepared piano,” and finally amplified and transformed instantaneously through microphones installed inside the frame.

ANABlog sta pubblicando alcuni brani storici della musica elettronica giapponese.

KYOO è stato composto nel 1968 da MAKI ISHII (1936).
Il titolo significa echi ed è collegato alla forma del brano: ogni suono dà vita a una famiglia di suoni simili e da uno di qusti si parte per creare un nuovo insieme sonoro in una catena in continua mutazione sul filo delle analogie acustiche.
Le sorgenti sonore sono sia elettroniche che strumentali, queste ultime in forma sia strumentale che elaborata elettronicamente. Il pianoforte, in particolare, è trattato in molti modi: preparato, ampificato e elaborato in tempo reale tramite dei microfoni inseriti nella sua struttura.

Maki Ishii – Kyoo (1968)