
Categorie: Computer Art, Danza
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Pubblicato il: 22 Gennaio 2015

Un altra performance in cui la grafica computerizzata crea un ambiente virtuale con cui i danzatori interagiscono. Come spesso accade in questi casi, imho la musica lascia un po’ a desiderare, ma la parte grafica e l’interazione sono ben studiate, con alcune belle idee.

Dance show – created in 2014

Pixel is a dance show for 11 dancers in a virtual and living visual environement. A work on illusion combining energy and poetry, fiction and technical achievement, hip hop and circus. A show at the crossroads of arts and at the crossroads of Adrien M / Claire B’s and Mourad Merzouki’s universes.

Artistic Direction and Choreography: Mourad Merzouki
Composed by Mourad Merzouki & Adrien M / Claire B
Digital Design: Adrien Mondot & Claire Bardainne
Music: Armand Amar
Produced by CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Compagnie Käfig

This video is a cut of extracts from the actual show shot during the last day of creation on November the 14th 2014. Shooting and editing : Adrien M / Claire B.
Premiered at Maison des Arts de Créteil on November the 15th 2014. Duration of the show : 1h10.

The Adrien M / Claire B Company has been acting in the fields of the digital arts and performing arts since 2004. They create many forms of art, from stage performances to exhibitions combining real and virtual worlds with IT tools that were developed and customised specifically for them. They place the human body at the heart of technological and artistic challenges and adapt today’s technological tools to create a timeless poetry through a visual language based on playing and enjoyment, which breeds imagination. The projects are carried out by Adrien Mondot and Claire Bardainne. The company operates as a research and creativity workshop based out of Presqu’île in Lyon.

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