According to Google translator, these signs mean “learning the Chinese”. I advise you to begin. You can find booklets for a few dollars. In these last days I have been shocked by 2 numbers:
- Today a chines blog hold the 1st place in the Technorati rank that list millions of blogs sorted by links number (you can find it here). Note that this blog is written in chinese only, it’s not a bilingual one. It means that the chinese webspace alone can generate more traffic that the rest of the world.
- In the rank of cellular phone selling, China comes 1st with a little more of 400 millions of items, USA hold the 2nd place with 200 millions. Here in Italy we have 70 millions of cellular phones, that is 1.4 for each person, counting newborn babies. If the Chinese were rich as we are and developed in the same way (including our cellular mania), the chinese market could buy 1 billion 680 millions of items.
son qui che devo ancora capir bene il dialetto veronese (per non parlare dell’italiano), e tu vorresti farmi studiare il cinese!
mauro, non hai proprio pietà.
rispetta almeno la mia canizie.
ah, e poi vorrei anche sapere chi ha il mio telefonino virgola quattro.
Visto che entrambi siamo orfani delle rispettive “morose”, potremmo passare le serate studiando il cinese…
conosci qualche insegnante di cinese carina?