
Categorie: Audio
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Pubblicato il: 12 Aprile 2015

(((.foundsoundscape.))) is “a live radio collage of foundsound places to underscore your personal spaces”. It’s curated by Janek Schaefer and features 1000 different locations, by 100 different artists.

Foundsoundscape was inspired by the very first Digital Radio station in the UK, that simply played a recording of a rural location. Radio you could just leave running to add a peaceful ambience to your environment indoors. It heralded a new media paradigm, as digital broadcasting offered more capacity than requred for the first time, and that space needed filling. At the same time on TV, Channel 4 was broadcasting Big Brother live 24hours, and at night I loved to tune-in my analogue TV sets all over the house, and the shed, so I could hear the housemates gently sleeping as I worked through the night. Since then infomercials, and gambling TV have taken over, and I greatly miss that sense of real-time space, that does not demand your attention. Foundsoundscape quietly underscores your environment, by creating new ones from others.


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Benvenuto , oggi è sabato, 27 Luglio 2024