Petite symphonie intuitive pour une paysage de printemps

Categorie: Elettroacustica
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Pubblicato il: 16 Aprile 2015

Luc Ferrari – Petite symphonie intuitive pour une paysage de printemps (1973-74)

A review by Blue Gene Tyranny

A lovely work of electro-acoustic music by one of the French pioneers of musique concrète, “Petite Symphonie Intuitive Pour un Paysage de Printemps” (“Little Intuitive Symphony for a Spring Landscape”) recreates the composer’s experiences during a climb toward sunset on the Causse Méjean, a high plateau in the Massif Central, including his recollection of a shepherd’s flute and its reverberations across the landscape. The flute sounds and multiple echoes continue in changing musical modes throughout the piece (the tonic redefined by electronic drones), blending together with sounds of the countryside and conversational fragments from the human presence to create a beautiful sonic landscape of 25 minutes duration.

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