Red-shifted Harmonies

Categorie: Confine, Elettroacustica
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Pubblicato il: 2 Aprile 2007


DAC Crowell è americano. Ha 41 anni e compone dei brani in lenta evoluzione pubblicati dalla netlabel Magnatune. Ha studiato.
Nella sua pagina in Magnatune trovate molte informazioni.
Mi piace la sua dichiarazione di amore per le onde corte. È una cosa che da bambino ho provato anch’io: passavo ore a giocare con la radio.

Years and years ago, around the same time I was first learning piano as a small child, I also encountered the shortwave radio. It fascinated me…this box of strange sounds, pulsations, voices from other places phasing in and out. And then later in the 1960s, I heard the first stirrings of the Moog synthesizer…and others as well, as I attended a concert given by David Rosenboom while still in the second grade, with him performing his meditative style of electronics on a massive ARP 2500 rig. I suppose it was that formative experience that cemented what I was to try and do in my life.

Dall’album omonimo del 2003, Red Shifted Harmonies.

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