
Nakjaarna is the ambient musical project of Kris Tilbury, who hails from the border regions between the USA states of Texas, Arkansas and Louisana. Her work hails in spirit from the forbidden arctic places of the mind, where thought, idea, and barest hint all fuse together in a caravan of snow. She uses commonplace instruments such as a dulcimer, a voice and light percussion, processed into drone, to create ice palaces on permafrost. Her work is minimal dark ambient, rendered with the vigor of an ecological hot spot. She has previously appeared on a compilation on the wonderful netlabel, and writes for the webzine
Here is her last work, Frozen Industry, published by the netlabel Negative Sound Institute

Nakjaarna è il progetto di musica d’ambiente di Kris Tilbury, una compositrice americana che elabora elettronicamente strumenti comuni, come un dulcimer, la voce e percussioni leggere per creare dei bordoni dal sapore artico.
Questo è il suo ultimo lavoro, Frozen Industry, per la netlabel Negative Sound Institute da cui si può scaricare in toto.