viral symphOny

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Commenti: 2 Commenti
Pubblicato il: 28 Novembre 2007

Post-conceptual digital artist and theoretician Joseph Nechvatal pushes his experimental investigations into the blending of computational virtual spaces and the corporeal world into the sonic register.

Realtime “field recordings” of the audio manifestations of his custom created computer viruses have been reworked and reprocessed by Andrew Deutsch and Matthew Underwood, resulting in the sonic landscape of the ‘viral symph0ny’.

With resonances of Yasunao Tone, Fluxus, Oval, and Merzbow, this 28-minute composition is supplemented by a further 50 minutes of audio, comprising the original raw data field recordings.
The fully embodied CD (with 78 min. audio and art work) is for sale online here.

Listen to:

viral symphOny (28’09”)

Joseph Nechvatal : original concept viral structures
Mathew Underwood : nano, micro, meso and macro structures
Andrew Deutsch : meso and macro structures
Stephane Sikora : C++ programming

Joseph Nechvatal site and blog

2 Commenti
  1. erri ha detto:

    Mi puoi spiegare cosa vuol dire?

  2. Mauro ha detto:

    Nechvatal investiga le connessioni fra spazio virtuale (informatico) e reale.
    Adesso ha creato dei virus, cioè degli oggetti che vivono nel mondo virtuale e si manifestano in forma audio nel mondo reale.

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