They shoot, he scores…

I always think that the composers of music for film are accountables for the link between contemporary and electronic music with bad feelings like suspense, horror, anxiety, etc.
Now Ennio Morricone, inteviewed by The Guardian, comfirm this hypothesis when, speaking about Dario Argento’s horror films, says

“His films are full of blood, so contemporary electronic music works perfectly and the audience accepted the music as linked to those strong scenes.”

Up ahead in the interview, Morricone shows his right attitude towards the Hollywood majors: he has never moved to Hollywood and he has also refused to learn English. “They said they would give me a villa,” he says of the attempts Hollywood studios made to get him to move. “I told them I liked it in Italy, and there was no need to leave Rome because I only speak with the director about the score, not the studio.”
It’s the Hemingway lesson. Hemingway once summed up his attitude toward the film industry, in spite of all the money he made, by suggesting that the best way for a writer to deal with Hollywood was to meet the producers at the California state line: “You throw them your book, they throw you the money. Then you jump into your car and drive like hell back the way you came.” [cit. by CNN].