Tag : supercollider

Dispacci dal fronte interno

Categorie: Elettroacustica
Commenti: Nessun Commento
Pubblicato il: 16 Giugno 2015

Dispacci dal fronte interno [Dispatches from the homefront] is a work by Andrea Valle for feedback system including ad libitum strings, printer and live electronics. Audio from strings, printers and environment is not only manipulated live, but some features are extracted and used to control not only the same sound […]


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Pubblicato il: 10 Dicembre 2014

BEASTmulch is an AHRC (Arts & Humanities Research Council) funded research project exploring approaches to large-scale multichannel electroacoustic composition and presentation, lead by Scott Wilson along with Jonty Harrison and Sergio Luque at the University of Birmingham. BEASTmulch System is a software tool for the presentation of electroacoustic music over […]

140 chars of music

Categorie: Audio, Elettroacustica
Commenti: Nessun Commento
Pubblicato il: 10 Dicembre 2009

A twitter. An SMS. That’s the challenge. Writing a piece of electronic digital music using only 140 chars of code. It started as a curious project, when live coding enthusiast and Toplap member Dan Stowell started tweeting tiny snippets of musical code using SuperCollider. Pleasantly surprised by the reaction, and […]

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.at/on 8bit 900piesek ::vtol:: acustica aes+f alva_noto ambient amm analisi anderson animazione apple archivio artemiev arte_informativa ashley audio-video aurora a_schubert babbitt bach bang_on_a_can barocco bayle beatles berg berio berlino biasioni biologia boulez bowie braxton brown burroughs cage campionamento can canto_armonico cardew cardew_ensemble carrington carter cecil_taylor cellulare century_of_aeroplanes chernobyl chion chitarra cibo cipollone citazioni classifiche clementi clima cluster clyne compiz comporre computer_music controllo corso cospirazione cowell coxhill craque cronologia crumb csound cunningham curiosità czernowin database daugherty debussy decadenza donatoni dowland drone drum_machine dubuffet duchamp dufourt dumitrescu dylan dylan_thomas d_incise e.a.r. ecologia einstürzende_neubauten elaborazione eno esomusicologia estetica etnomusicologia eventi fantascienza faune fauxharmonic feedback feldman ferneyhough ferrari feste FFT field_recording filosofia finlandia fisica fondi foss freeman fure futurismo gabriel gibson gioco glass globalizzazione gould graziani grecia grisey gubaidulina guerra guerra_fredda haas harrington harvey henry henry_cow herndon hewitt horror hosokawa ig_nobel ikeda improvvisare incipit industrial interfacce ishii ives i_ching jack_bruce jansen kagel kaiser kandinskij kreidler kurokawa lachenmann laptop_music layton la_monte_young legge leggende lego lely lezrod libri ligeti linguaggio loop.ph loudness luoghi machover maderna mahnkopf mailer major malec manoury mappa matematica max/msp maxwell_davies mcnabb medicina messiaen microtonalità miles_davis minimal Miri_Kat moda monk morphing mosconi mossenmark movimento mozart mp3 mumma murail musicologia musicoterapia nancarrow natura netlabel newage noise nono nordcorea obama opera ornitologia osoroshisa parigi parmegiani parmerud partch partitura password penderecki percezione persone pink_floyd pirateria poesia pop-art pousseur processing programmazione protofuse radio radiohead radulescu ravel reed registrazione reich reichel remix residents retrocomputing rihm riley rip risset riverbero robot roden rolling_stones romitelli roux russolo rzewski saariaho sakamoto salem satie scelsi schafer scherzi schnittke schoenberg sciarrino scultura_sonora sensori serialismo sharafyan sharp shostakovich sicurezza sisman slow_motion smalley soft_machine sonification soundscape sound_designer spam spazio spettacolo spettralismo steampunk stockhausen stravinsky stretching stroppa strumenti subotnick sudol suguru_goto suonerie supercollider supersilent sweeney synth takemitsu tallis tangerine_dream tarocchi taz televisione terremoto test theremin toop trento truax tudor ucraina ufo ultima_cena urbanscreen v4w.enko varèse vegetable_orchestra verona videogame vinuesa virus vivaldi waits webern webzine wolff wuorinen wyatt wynne xenakis yoshihide zappa zavoloka zorn
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