
Categorie: Pop
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Pubblicato il: 5 Ottobre 2006


Di prossima uscita “Orphans“, il nuovo album di Tom Waits. 3 CD. 54 canzoni di cui 30 nuove.
Sottotitoli dei 3 dischi: Brawlers, Bawlers e Bastards (rissosi, piagnoni e bastardi).
Nelle note, Tom Waits dice

Orphans contains songs for all occasions. Some of the songs were written in turmoil and recorded at night in a moving car, others were written in hotel rooms and recorded in Hollywood during big conflamas. That’s when conflict weds drama. At any rate these are the ones that survived the flood and were rescued from the branches of trees after the water’s retreat.

In anteprima Bottom of the World, con la solita voce malinconica come carta vetrata.

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