Grillo Parlante

Categorie: Italia, Videoarte
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Pubblicato il: 30 Gennaio 2007

Andate a vedervi Grillo Parlante.
Questa macchina fa dei ritmi carini usando lettere tratte dalla voce di Berlusca con tanto di faccine (sue). Scrivete pure insiemi di lettere senza senso: funziona ancora meglio.
D’altronde, come fanno notare gli autori Ruben Coen Cagli e Stefano Pernache che la chiamano “Electoral Drum Machine”,

It is evident – as shown by the italian political campaign in 2006 – that contemporary videopolitic strategies rest upon the circulation of meaningless patterns, audiovisual cells governed by the rules of rhythm, repetition, pulsation, where the permanence of elements that still signify appears as superfluous. What matters is the ability of the media object (e.g. the speech of a leader) to graft to the social psychic fabric through the process of tuning. The meaningless fragment, thus, is able to duplicate itself and transfer its working schemes, namely to tune on itself the senses and percepts of the videolisteners. What was said is really of no importance.


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