Atomic Ruin

Categorie: Architettura
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Pubblicato il: 17 Ottobre 2015

Un timelapse ben fatto, ma soprattutto diverso dai soliti bei paesaggi: una centrale atomica mai terminata nelle vicinanze di Washington. Un luogo che colpisce per il suo apparire quasi alieno.

Unico appunto (come al solito) la musica (tratta dal film Inception) che, nella parte centrale diventa invadente, mentre, per i timelapse, se proprio non si può evitare la tonalità, preferirei qualcosa di molto più discreto (ma, imho, qualcosa di elettronico o, al limite, dei disturbi radio sarebbero stati più appropriati).

Autore Andrew Walker. Note dell’autore e link a vimeo sotto al video.

Note from Andrew Walker (the author):

This was a very unique location to shoot and something most people don’t get to experience. The location is a incomplete nuclear power station in Western Washington…Satsop. The power plant is also second largest municipal bond default in U.S. history. Walking around in the cooling towers was like being inside of an alien structure. Also the acoustics in the cooling towers was also very unique. The equipment I used was a Kessler Second Shooter along with a new slider system I was testing out in the location. The rig was prefect for getting in and out of some of these locations. I used 2 Nikon D810 DSLRs to capture this.

Music: “Time”
Artist: Hans Zimmer
Album: “Inception” soundtrack
Special Thanks to Kessler for providing the Second Shooter and the 8020 Kessler Cart.

Watch on vimeo

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