
Categorie: Confine, Elettroacustica
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Pubblicato il: 31 Ottobre 2007

Un buon lavoro questo Reach di Pseudophone, godibile, ricco di atmosfere fatte di flussi sonori ciclici che lentamente si sovrappongono e si inseguono.

Pseudophone strives to craft cinematic pieces that “tell a place”—a space so full of character a story will unfold there almost entirely by itself. Every tool in the Psueophophone studios—whether stringed or controlled by faders, whether banged on or dialed in—is musical. In Pseudophone’s world every sound is sacred, and any sound can be composted. What is more sacred than a story? The Spirit moves across the water, and the words appear in the beginning, and in the end.

Reach is a travelogue of sorts, but the destinations are unmapped. It is a sonic diary of places told, a soundtrack of possible journeys—both outward and within. Yet we hope you find it not so much a long voyage as a dreamy sail—no coins are required for the boatman.


Pseudophone – The Reach
Koniuto – voice, schemes & treatments, assemblage
Kim Mitchell – voice

Negative Sound Institute netlabel

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