Nuove Interfacce Musicali

Commenti: 1 Commento


Audiopad is a composition and performance instrument for electronic music which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and converts their motion into music. One can pull sounds from a giant set of samples, juxtapose archived recordings against warm synthetic melodies, cut between drum loops to create new beats, and apply digital processing all at the same time on the same table. Audiopad not only allows for spontaneous reinterpretation of musical compositions, but also creates a visual and tactile dialogue between itself, the performer, and the audience.
Audiopad has a matrix of antenna elements which track the positions of electronically tagged objects on a tabletop surface. Software translates the position information into music and graphical feedback on the tabletop. Each object represents either a musical track or a microphone.
Audiopad was developed by James Patten and Ben Recht aka localfields

Excerpt and explanation – quicktime video
Audiopad installation at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona as part of the Sonar 2003 Festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art quicktime video


The reactable, is a state-of-the-art multi-user electro-acoustic music instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Several simultaneous performers share complete control over the instrument by moving physical artefacts on the table surface and constructing different audio topologies in a kind of tangible modular synthesizer or graspable flow-controlled programming language.
The reactable hardware is based on a translucent round table. A video camera situated beneath, continuously analyzes the table surface, tracking the nature, position and orientation of the objects that are distributed on its surface, representing the components of a classic modular synthesizer. These objects are passive without any sensors or actuators, users interact by moving them, changing their position, their orientation or their faces (in the case of volumetric objects). These actions directly control the topological structure and parameters of the sound synthesizer. A projector, also from underneath the table, draws dynamic animations on its surface, providing a visual feedback of the state, the activity and the main characteristics of the sounds produced by the audio synthesizer.

Reactable in concert


1 Commento
  1. ferdinando sorbo ha detto:

    ma perchè le università di ricerca sul suono.strizzano quasi sempre (non tutte in verità) gli occhi ad un settore commerciale per loro molto più redditizio,invece di fare vera ricerca sul suono……mi riferisco a reactable…..è solo una nuova veste per ormai vecchie tecniche di sintesi….

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Benvenuto , oggi è sabato, 27 Luglio 2024