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Notes & Neurons

Categorie: Musica, Scienza
Tag: Nessun Tag
Commenti: 1 Commento
Pubblicato il: 20 Settembre 2009

Dopo il video sul potere della scala pentatonica, ecco l’intero intervento di Bobby McFerrin alla conferenza Notes & Neurons. Qui sotto il primo video, in questa pagina gli altri.

Is our response to music hard-wired or culturally determined? Is the reaction to rhythm and melody universal or influenced by environment? Join host John Schaefer, Jamshed Barucha, scientist Daniel Levitin, Professor Lawrence Parsons and musical artist Bobby McFerrin for live performances and cross cultural demonstrations to illustrate music’s note-worthy interaction with the brain and our emotions.

Here is the first part. Click here to see the following videos.
Filmed on June 12, 2009

World Science Festival 2009: Notes & Neurons, Part 1 of 5 from World Science Festival on Vimeo.

Segnalato da Federico

1 Commento
  1. l'Anto ha detto:

    grazie mille !!

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