Introducing Max for Live

Categorie: Audio
Commenti: 1 Commento
Pubblicato il: 16 Dicembre 2009

Max for Live is an integration of Cycling74’s Max/MSP with Ableton Live. There are two official pages about it from Ableton and Cycling74.

Max for Live puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Create all the instruments, effects and extensions you’ve ever wanted. Go beyond the common and predictable, and transcend the limits that conventional tools impose. Build completely unique synths and effects, create algorithmic composition tools, or fuse Live and controller hardware into radical, new music machines.

At first sight, it seems to me a sort a Max for the rest of the people.

Nobody can claim that programming with Max is easy: There is an unavoidable learning curve involved with any kind of programming. So, yes, it can get complex, but it’s worth it. Max’s visual approach is a lot easier to get into than traditional programming, especially because you can immediately see and hear the effects of your changes. Max for Live also includes a number of in-depth tutorials, each with its own reusable example content. The tutorials guide you through Max for Live, from the first basic steps to the advanced, ninja-style stuff. They’ll help you find your level and provide support and examples as your skills develop.

I’m a little skeptic about it. Personally, I begin to move towards SuperCollider…

1 Commento
  1. Alessandro ha detto:

    > I’m a little skeptic about it. Personally, I begin to move towards SuperCollider…

    Yes, I agree…

    I already told you…

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