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Categorie: Elettroacustica
Commenti: Nessun Commento
Pubblicato il: 14 Aprile 2007


ANABlog ripubblica un “vecchio” (anni ’60) lavoro di Bernard Parmegiani che vale la pena di ascoltare.
Questo brano deriva da un pezzo del 1963, VoloStries per violino e nastro. Parmegiani riprende la registrazione di questo pezzo e la riarrangia sia come sonorità, elaborandone i suoni con i sintetizzatori dell’epoca, sia rimontando le parti originali.

Sounds produced by a violin are fed into the synthesizers. The transformations they have undergone have not entirely erased their original character. Their interwoven horizontal form, their unchanging thickness, and their invariable color enable the TWO to sculpt them, to paint with them. The performers’ chisels and brushes are the modulators and filters which give them relief, color them, break them up, interchange them, lighten or darken them.
But in spite of all these manipulations, the original sound is preserved. It can still be divided: while one part of it is processed, the other remains intact. All this takes places within a framework which can be enriched on the spur of the moment with inspired finds.

Bernard Parmegiani – Stries

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