Mario Diaz de León

Mario Diaz de León è davvero un giovane compositore, essendo nato nel 1979 a St. Paul, Minnesota e pur componendo brani per strumentazione acustica, non rinnega il suo passato di chitarrista punk.
La cosa bella, a mio avviso, è che queste due facce non sono separate, ma una certa qualità sonora dell’una influenza l’altra e anche la struttura compositiva, che tende allo streaming più o meno differenziato, traspare sia nei pezzi accademici che in quelli elettrici.
Qui ascoltiamo/vediamo questi suoi aspetti in due video da YouTube, ma ne parleremo ancora.
Maggiori notizie e altri brani sul suo sito.

Mario Diaz de León (b. 1979 in St. Paul, MN) played guitar in punk bands from age 12 to 21. He received his B.M. in TIMARA (technology in music and related arts) from Oberlin Conservatory in 2004. While at Oberlin, his principal teachers were Gary Nelson, Tom Lopez, Randy Coleman, and Lewis Nielson.
Since 2004, Mario has lived in in New York City, where his activities include composing chamber music for instruments and electronics, collaborating with Jay King in the audiovisual duo King/Diaz de León, presenting solo performances, and performing in the psychedelic noise band Symbol. Past activities include performing with Sadjeljko on their 2005 US tour, and an appearance with Fred Frith in ensemble performances of his graphic scores. He is currently pursuing his doctorate in composition at Columbia University, where he studies with George Lewis. Mario also cites his informal association with composer and sound-installation artist Maryanne Amacher as a major influence.
Read more on his site.

I really like the way Mario mix his two apparently conflicting faces, the one as academic contemporary composer and the other as a noise guitar improviser.

2.23 (for viola and stereo sound) performed at Oberlin Conservatory in 4/03. Glenda Goodman, viola.

Solo Guitar 2